Advanced Breast Reconstruction
Dr. Mary Jo Wright specializes in breast reconstruction using a woman’s own tissue, known as DIEP flap surgery. She is the only female surgeon in North Dallas with comprehensive experience in both breast cancer surgery and the most advanced microsurgical breast reconstruction. Working in partnership with world-renowned surgeons from the Center for Restorative Breast Surgery, she brings a unique blend of surgical expertise designed specifically for women. Her focus on innovative breast cancer surgery and reconstruction techniques utilizing a woman’s own tissue, combined with compassionate care, ensures each woman regains confidence, a restored self-image, and feels whole again.

APEX (abdominal perforator exchange) Flap Breast Reconstruction is one of the most advanced DIEP flap procedures. It involves rebuilding the breasts with natural living fat from the lower abdominal or hip area using highly sophisticated microsurgical techniques while preserving abdominal muscles and improving blood flow.
DIEP Free Flap Breast Reconstruction uses the skin, fat, and blood vessels from your lower abdomen to rebuild breasts after a mastectomy or lumpectomy.
Stacked FlapSM Breast Reconstruction is a type of DIEP Flap procedure for women who do not have enough fatty tissue for reconstruction with just one flap. The surgeons stack two flaps together to reconstruct the breast with more volume.
Hybrid Breast Reconstruction is a technique that utilizes both living tissue and breast implants. In a single-flap reconstruction surgery, an implant is used beneath the tissue to provide the desired volume with the look of a natural breast.
SGAP (superior gluteal artery perforator) Flap Breast Reconstruction is an alternative procedure that uses skin, fat, and blood vessels from your upper buttock when insufficient tissue is available in the abdominal area.
BODY LIFT Flap® Breast Reconstruction is a reconstructive solution for thin women who undergo a bilateral mastectomy but do not have enough tissue and blood vessels from a single donor site. This procedure allows for autologous breast reconstruction from living tissue while also providing a tummy tuck and buttocks lift.
Implant Breast Reconstruction involves the insertion of silicone or saline-filled implants at the time of mastectomy.
Botched Breast Reconstruction Revision Surgery is available when a woman who had a previous reconstruction is not satisfied with the results. Whether it is a failed flap, a failed implant, or a disfigurement from many unsuccessful surgeries, revision surgery can give back a sense of wholeness and femininity that had been lost.
Lumpectomy Repair can be performed when a previous surgery and subsequent radiation have left the breast scarred or distorted. A new breast can be created with living tissue using one of several options, including DIEP, APEX Flap, or SGAP.
3D Nipple and Areola Tattooing is offered to women who no longer have a nipple due to mastectomy and wish to have a visual realism of a nipple. This three-dimensional shading application is done in the office three to four months following the completion of breast reconstruction.
4D Nipple® and Areola restoration is available when a nipple has been lost to a past mastectomy or needs to be removed with a treatment plan. The 4D Nipple® reconstruction recreates the dimension of a natural nipple in combination with 3D Nipple Tattooing. The nipple restoration is completed in two phases: during a touch-up procedure after the initial breast reconstruction and later in the clinic for tattoo application.
Nipple Sparing Mastectomy removes the cancerous breast tissue while leaving the nipple and skin intact. Advancements in breast cancer surgery allow this procedure to be done at the same time as reconstruction with an implant or natural tissue, leaving a natural look after mastectomy.